Elder Law Attorneys in Cartersville, Georgia

Georgia Elder Law Attorney Sharon McCoy has practiced elder law in Cartersville, Georgia for years and has carved her area of expertise as a result of her experience and education in this realm. As the overall age of the American population increases, the need for effectively handling the multitude of legal, financial, and personal challenges facing the elderly population grows as well. The field of elder law is a relatively new area of law that has arisen to provide a remedy for some of the issues that this growing segment of society experiences. Elder law attorneys help families navigate the complex laws governing this area.

Elder law brings together the various elements of estate planning, wills and trusts, guardianship, health care planning, Medicaid planning, VA benefits, elder fraud, elder abuse, and elder rights. As practitioners in the elder care arena, the elder law firm of Asset Protection & Elder Law of Georgia uses the law to resolve the challenges encountered by the elderly.

Who Can Benefit From Elder Law Practices?

Contrary to common belief, elder law embraces more than just that segment of the older generation without assets or resources. Those who truly benefit from elder law and elder care services are middle-class Americans who have exerted a tremendous effort throughout their lives to provide for themselves and their families. In our ever changing system, the middle class can be left with many challenging issues to face, particularly when the elderly seek long-term medical assistance and treatment.

Know the True Cost of Your Future with Elder Law Expertise

The cost of nursing homes and assisted living or adult day care facilities has become astronomical. Those families with even a modest savings do not qualify for public benefits and are soon faced with the sad reality of losing whatever assets and savings they had acquired after years of fruitful labor. Often, the children are placed in the position of having to provide funding for an elderly parent’s stay in an assisted living or nursing facility.

The elder law practitioner seeks to assist those who have acquired assets, retirement funds, stocks, bonds, and savings and who are planning for the future and attempting to provide for themselves after retirement and into old age by finding a way to continue to care for themselves and to utilize the fruits of their labor in the most effective manner possible. Our elder law and elder care services go beyond estate planning, as we listen to family members and provide a situational analysis to help concerned family members evaluate their options.

Why Asset Protection & Elder Law of Georgia for Your Elder Law Needs?

We explore the choices available and help our clients to truly understand what their options are, recognizing that each person when fully informed is the best candidate for making the important decisions that affect their own personal and financial wellbeing. In most cases, through proper planning, a vast majority of the assets of the elderly client can be preserved for future care with a sizable portion of remaining assets passed on to the elder’s loved ones. In cases where loved ones have not planned, consulting with an elder law specialist is imperative and should be done before one applies for Medicaid. Action can be taken and, in many cases, much of the elderly person’s assets can still be saved.

Each person deserves to age with peace of mind, dignity, and respect and to enjoy their senior years to the fullest extent possible. The overarching goal of Asset Protection & Elder Law of Georgia and our elder care program is to respond to the needs and issues of our elderly clients, to help maintain their independence and protect their assets, and to ensure the highest quality of life.

Contact An Elder Law Attorney in Cartersville Georgia

To learn more about the elder law and elder care services offered by Asset Protection & Elder Law of Georgia, please contact us to set up a consultation. The Cartersville elder law attorneys Georgia are passionate about serving the needs of our elderly clients and will work with you to provide a long term care plan that is within your budget.